Monday, September 8, 2008

Should The 2008 Olympics Have Been Held In China?

I strongly believe that ideally, politics and sport should not be mixed, but the fact is they are. Both the Chinese government and activist groups worldwide have done just this with the Olympics and as a reult, the leadup to the 2008 Games was mixed with more politics than smog in Beijing.
Despite the fact that China failed to fufill it's promises to stop human rights abuse in Tibet , you have to remember they pulled off a stunning Olympics, and the IOC did choose them as the best possible choice to host this year's Olympics.
Yes, the 2008 Olympics should have been held in China, but now that the Summer games are over and the much smaller Parylimpic version will soon come and go, it is time for China to start to take a good look at what it can do for the people they have sorrowed and repressed and start to make some positive changes to the world they are now a big part of.

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